Being someone who likes most things deconstructed or dystopian, I liked step-hem pants when they burst onto the scene. I finally bought a pair from H&M, and they even had an interesting quote on them
stay on the edge
so I had to have them. That quote kind of symbolizes how I believe one should live life.
It used to mean that I kept pushing the edge of the envelope, living to the extreme. I was always searching for a more ecstatic happy feeling; a more passionate romantic relationship; and a deeper, darker sadness. I even looked for an angrier rage.
Now that I'm clean (sober), it means something entirely different. Now I want to live life out loud, always pushing for more personal and spiritual growth. I want to keep pushing myself to learn new skills, to live more simply and intentionally, and build relationships with people that are built on a deep connection to each other.
These pants kind of summed that up. They were comfortable, yet they were not your usual sweatpants that one wears to slum around the house. The step-hem was repeated in the waistband, the rear (fake) pockets, and even in the way the graphic was integrated into the leg. They were a little bit off, which is how I generally like things: asymmetrical, off kilter, things that challenge perception.
Unfortunately, step-hem joggers, I shrunk you in the laundry. I mistook you for a pair of Sunshine's lounge pants and tossed you in the dryer. I don't have the skillset to wet you, stretch you, and block you to make your legs long enough (without warping your shape). So thank you, step-hem joggers, for keeping me comfortable and inspiring me to stay on the edge.