Goodbye, Creative Recreation hi-tops

I bought you because I've become obsessed with joggers and a bit of a streetwear vibe. You were comfortable, but I have gotten spoiled for things that are easier to get on and off than you were.

Seriously, what is with this business of shoelaces? They take so much time, and if it's a high top sneaker like you, it's not like I can just untie the laces and pull the shoes off. Nope, with high tops, you gotta unpack them suckers so much it's not funny. Really, not funny at all, because when I want to put the shoes back on my feet, I gotta tighten the laces starting all the way at the very first set of eyelets. That's just stupid, especially when I'm still angry at how hard it was to get my foot out.

It's not your fault I'm a spoiled brat, and you deserve to be loved by somebody who doesn't take issue with shoelaces. I hope you find a good home!

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  • Helena replied 4 years ago

    Haha! Those are great shoes though. 

  • Angie replied 4 years ago

    OH, what a shame :( ....cute sneaks. 

    I get the frustration though. Onto a style that's more practical! 

  • rachylou replied 4 years ago

    Lol. When I’m working all day, I really need lace ups, but when I’m home that is such a pain... it’s a must to have slipons so a person can just slip out for a dog walk.

    ... you know, Lilypup knows which shoes signal what...

  • cindysmith replied 4 years ago

    Mollie knows the difference between slippers and actual shoes. These furbabies are so smart!

  • slim cat replied 4 years ago

    I feel the same way about shoes with laces - currently own just one pair with a shorter laces and not a high tops ( only because they are metallic and slightly loose fitting - by Josef Seibel from Rack ). 
    Fab color though - a little sad.. 

  • cindysmith replied 4 years ago

    Slim cat, if they had made them with speed laces, like my Ryka hi-tops, I might be able to handle it :-/

  • Jaime replied 4 years ago

    You are an inspiration!

  • MsMaven replied 4 years ago

    Ah. They are so pretty.

  • Joy replied 4 years ago

    You are not a spoiled brat. Those of us Oder women with balance or back problems do not want to mess with laces, especially if we tskecoff shoes indoors. Slip on shoes have become my go-tos, loafers and slip on sneakers. I still have a few ankle straps, but they will not be replaced.

  • nemosmom replied 4 years ago

    Ha! You crack me up!  Could you replace the laces with elastics of some sort and convert them to a slip on?

  • Bijou replied 4 years ago

    I like Nemosmom’s suggestion to convert them to a slip on with elastic. A fun read and took me back to your closet clean out posts last year.

  • replied 4 years ago

    They look nice, but I totally get it! I hate shoelaces so much! Ready for them to bring back velcro...

  • Janet replied 4 years ago

    Those are cute — too bad!

    I have found though that not all lace-ups are equal. Some are really “sticky” and require tugging to tighten and loosen laces, and others are easy to widen and tighten. Must be certain materials. I recently added to my donation bag an infrequently-worn pair of low-tops that may as well have been high-tops for all the hassle they were to tighten once they were on my feet.

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